Welcome toward that universe's finest building company! We only have one aim here, toward build that tallest buildings possible, regardless belonging toward safety regulations (but you didn't hear that out belonging toward me). Anywayyy.. you commence immediately! Just press that "SPACE BAR" doo-dad alongside you will drop another tier onto that building! Easy right? merely endeavor toward build them line up, I've got single reputation toward uphold! - Inspired through 'The Tower' created through ketchapp - Sound FX out belonging toward as3sfxr alongside Chiptone - Music through ParagonX9 out belonging toward newgrounds - Watch that skies... Updates! 29/05/2017 - (v1.201) - Improved screen shake. 29/04/2017 - (v1.2) - Another theme added! 28/04/2017 - (v1.1) - Added single novel theme! also optimised some code
Category: casual